Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Sorority Recruitment Outfit Tips

Hey y'all!

Today's post launches my back to school series (I's early!!!) But I promise there will still be tons of summer inspiration because lets face it, I'm just not ready! But, I wanted to get a post out there for all the gals going through sorority recruitment in the fall! If you are, I'm sure you're already planning the perfect outfits for the exciting week -- and I just wanted to share my tips on what to wear and some helpful links so you don't have to spend a fortune on your outfits! And if you're not going through recruitment, you can still take some inspiration for your everyday style!

As a general rule of thumb, you always want to dress on the more conservative side for recruitment...nothing too scandalous, low cut, tight, etc. Luckily for me this wasn't an issue, because I tend to dress super conservatively anyways. But if you ever have any doubts, definitely just don't wear it. You also want to show your style, so if conservative/classic isn't really your look, you can just try to meet in the middle somewhere.

Round 1
Round one is open house round, at least at my school. This round lasts for two days so you'll potentially need two outfits. However, at my school, for these two days, you wear a school spirit tee and whatever bottoms you want. Chances are, yours is probably the same -- we are also given a tee that we can wear, and I know many schools require you to do that as well! I saw a lot of chino shorts this round -- they are really easy, comfortable, and you can get them in tons of colors to match your school. I love J.Crew's chino shorts! I also saw girls wear skirts and flowy shorts, which were cute too. As for jewelry, I typically kept it simple all week -- think monogram necklaces, dainty necklaces, and some stacked bracelets. Nothing too crazy, or anything you wouldn't feel comfortable in! And definitely stick to sandals these days -- you want to be comfortable and not look too overdone. I linked all the products shown below the photos as well!

Round 2
Round two is philanthropy day at my school -- it could also be called skit day if your school does that! Most people wear a cute sundress and sandals on this day. Again, you want to be comfy because it will probably be super hot and you'll be on your feet all day. Make sure that your dress isn't too short in case you have to sit on the floor. I wore a simple dress and fun jewelry, but nothing too crazy. I linked some really cute and affordable sundresses!

Round 3
Round three is house tours day at my school, or if you did skit day, it may be philanthropy day for your school. Once again -- comfort is key in my opinion! I would wear a nicer dress, maybe one you'd wear to church or brunch. On this day, you can wear wedges! Just make sure you can easily walk in them if it is house tours day, because you'll be walking up and down stairs in front of people and the last thing you'd want to do is stumble or fall. I linked a super cute pair of wedges, as well as some dresses that I think would be perfect!

Round 4
At my school, round four is Preference day, or Pref day. This is the day you can dress up and really show your style! Heels or wedges are a must, and definitely jewelry and a dress that shows your style. Once again -- you want to be comfortable, so make sure your outfit reflects you and feels good on because it's a big day! I linked some that I would recommend and love!

Well, that's all my friends! I hope you enjoyed this post and found it helpful -- if not for recruitment tips, then just for some extra online shopping! Leave a comment down below if you have any requests for back to school or recruitment posts, I'd love to do them!

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